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Writing Portfolio
Carol completed an MA in Creative Writing with the Open University in 2023 and is currently editing the first draft of her debut novel Orcaville. This builds on a previous BA in Creative Writing and sending short stories out into the world.
Her favourite genre is Speculative Fiction, a mix of Science Fiction and Fantasy as she loves to ask the question - What if? From a child she was facinated by space travel, tech and what coild be possible in the future, alongside a love of magical kingdoms and nature.
That's why her debut novel Orcaville is based in the Speculative Fiction genre and covers three timelines starting with a female protagonist Alice who sees a whale on the back of a lorry in the 1970's.
Carol writes a Substack magazine - Notes from the edge on designing a creative life and business. You can subscribe free here - This will also include a section on speculative fiction writing advice.
Fiction Competitions
Longlisted for the Retreat West 2023 Pitch to Win Competition - Orcaville.
Additional writing, editing and research
Digital Platforms
The Edge - Editor/Writer - 50,000 international readership.
Source4Networks - Editor/Writer - 10,000 international readership.
Health Publications/Research/MedX Talk
Nurse leadership post-COVID pandemic - 2023 - Sage Open Nursing Journal.
Patients’ information needs in intensive care and surgical wards - 2021 - Nursing Standard.
Early Discharge Scheme for Patients - 2021 - Nursing Standard.
Stanford University MedX Talk - 2018 - Bridging the gap, Innovating at the edge
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